Oct 6, 2012

YMB Parades at the Opening of Second Life Autumn Music Festival (SecFes)

2ndsecofes_ksnban.jpgFrom October 6 through 8, the Second Life Autumn Musical Festival, abbreviated as "SecFes", is held in Jabara Land sims, where more than a dozen of Japanese SL musicians gather to raise funds for the support of the cities and towns suffered by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011.

We are very happy to announce here the Yokohama Marching Band is also a part of this event and parades through Jabara Land sims at the beginning of the event.  And Hiroshi Kumaki will give his solo concert on the second day.

>> Yokohama Marching Band Opening Parade
- Date and time: 4:30 am PDT Sat October 6, 2012
- Place:  All through Jabara Land sims

>> Hiroshi Kumaki Live @ SecFes
- Date and time: 7:00 am PDT Sun October 7, 2012
- Place: SecFes Main Stage (Jabara Land)
- Landing point for audience: West Wing and East Wing

>> Time table
Fri October 5, 2012
- 10:00-11:00 pm PDT  Riz

Sat October 6, 2012
- 4:30-5:00 am PDT  Yokohama Marching Band (parade)
- 5:00-6:00 am PDT  Ayumura Band
- 6:00-7:00 am PDT  K-cat Band
- 7:00-8:00 am PDT  Jun Ashiya Trio
- 8:00-9:00 am PDT  Tarai Battle (event)
- 10:00-11:00 pm PDT  Tomgirl

Sun October 7, 2012
- 5:00-5:30 am PDT  Water Lily
- 5:30-6:00 am PDT  Dreams & Flower's Radio
- 6:00-7:00 am PDT  Music StarMine
- 7:00-8:00 am PDT  Hiroshi Kumaki
- 8:00-9:00 am PDT  The Black Stripes

Mon October 8, 2012
- 5:00-5:30 am PDT  Yoshikun Alsop
- 5:30-6:30 am PDT  R.M.O.
- 6:30-7:00 am PDT  T&R Cyber Japan Live
- 7:00-8:00 am PDT  Rulie Cisse
- 8:00-9:00 am PDT  Closing Ceremony (event)

For details, please visit SecFes Official Page (in Japanese only).


Jun 19, 2012

winds Seiling Live at 9:00 am SLT @ SL9B Green Stage!

120619a.jpgwinds Seiling, captain of the Yokohama Marching Band, is going to play beautiful tunes on the clarinet and saxophone this morning at SL9B Green Stage.  Please don't miss her awesome play.

>> winds Seiling @ SL9B with Sakura
- Date and time:  9:00 am PDT Tue 19 June 2012
- Place:  SL9B Green Stage


Jun 17, 2012

winds and Hiroshi Appear at SL9B!

The time to celebrate Second Life's 9th birthday is just around the corner.  This year, YMB will not set up our exhibit because our real life engagements make our one week performance difficult.  But winds Seiling and I will appear in person at SL9B Green Stage for live performance.  Please do not miss winds' marvelous performance on the clarinet and, perhaps, on the saxophone.  I will back her up on the piano and play the synthesizer by improvisation.  We are looking forward to seeing you there. :)

>> winds Seiling @ SL9B with Sakura
- Date and time:  9:00 am PDT Tue 19 June 2012
- Place:  SL9B Green Stage

>> Hiroshi Kumaki @ SL9B
- Date and time:  9:00 am PDT Thu 21 & Fri 22 June 2012
- Place:  SL9B Green Stage Twitter「つぶやく」ボタン

Mar 25, 2012

Parade for Relay for Life on March 31!

Relay for life event will take place from March 30 to April 1 to raise funds for the American Cancer Society.  And we are happy to announce the Yokohama Marching Band will be a part of Mardi Gras parade beginning at 10:00 am PDT Saturday March 31 (2:00 am JST Sunday April 1).

This is a Teams R Us event and many Relay for Life teams will join for fund raising in New Orleans situation.  We will celebrate the carnival with many floats parading through the venue sims.

Come together, enjoy Mardi Gras with us, and raise funds for ACS.  Thank you!

Date and Time:  10:00 am PDT Sat Mar.31 2012
Venue:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/American%20Cancer%20Society/150/107/22
